BRAND NEW: Find us on for Glamping Stays @ One Thing Ranch!!!
BRAND NEW: Find us on for Glamping Stays @ One Thing Ranch!!!
Alpaca fiber processed entirely on-site by hand (and some tools). Available as raw "thirds" (as it comes off the animal after shearing), washed "seconds", hand-combed "firsts" roving, and felted products. Coming soon...hand spun goods!
Hand-combed "first cuts" (finest quality) top ready for spinning or felting sold by the ounce.
"Second Cuts" washed and sold by the half-pound that is suitable for hand spinning or felting.
Raw fiber as it comes off the animal, suitable for mulch, bird nests, dog beds, etc.
Felted soaps and dryer balls. Coming soon..."Nuno Felted" quilts, batting and clothing.
While some of our camelids are registered with impressive "genetics" in their family tree, most will never be in the "Show Ring". BUT, there's at least "one thing" that puts all of them on a level playing field, and that is their "beans"! Camelids make pellet-like manure, commonly called "beans". How much manure do they produce? A lot less than the average farm animal...but, alpacas make 4 lb a day and llamas 6 lb. a day. That's a lot of beans piling up!
When air dried, beans are easily stored with little or no aroma, and can be made into many interesting things. Dried beans in "tea bags" are steeped for 12 hours to make nutritive tea to water your plants or garden. They can also be used in fire starter "cupcakes" for a quicker start for your campfire.
Fresh bean products (manure) are created daily by our dedicated "production crew" and are available to pickup by appointment. Freshly scooped beans are sold by the bag or bucket. Fresh beans are also mixed with other "green matter" for a perfect blend of nutrients for compost or soil amendment, and is sold by the truckload. Delivery for all fresh bean products is available in the Lewiston and Weaverville area for an additional fee.
When air dried, beans are easily stored with little or no aroma, and can be made into many interesting things. Dried beans in "tea bags" are steeped for 12 hours to make nutritive tea to water your plants or garden. They can also be used in fire starter "cupcakes" for a quicker start for your campfire.
Small - 3 per package (for house plants)
Medium - 3 per package (for house plants)
Extra Large- 1 burlap sack (for gardens or crops)
Get a quicker campfire with "firestarter cupcakes" made with paraffin and "beans" produced by the llamas and alpacas.
Fresh bean products (manure) are created daily by our dedicated "production crew" and are available to pickup by appointment. Freshly scooped beans are sold by the bag or bucket. Fresh beans are also mixed with other "green matter" for a perfect blend of nutrients for compost or soil amendment, and is sold by the truckload. Delivery for all fresh bean products is available in the Lewiston and Weaverville area for an additional fee.
We "repurpose" 40 lb feedbags and refill with freshly scooped beans (manure)
Reuse your own buckets or pay $10 extra to take your beans in one of ours
Also has straw, hay, pine needles, oak leaves, and the occasional rock in it
To pick up any of our products locally, please go to the "Schedule Appointment" page. Delivery of all products within 30 miles of Lewiston is available for an additional fee based on mileage, and is scheduled online in our store.
One Thing Ranch
4900 Lewiston Road, Lewiston, California 96052, United States